Lilian Ptáček

Lilian Ptáček © 2025
Built with Indexhibit


Stand Tall Boghall (2020)
Boghall Drop in Centre, West Lothian

A public art commission for West Lothian Council with Poppy Nash to create artworks for Boghall Drop in Centre. We delivered a program of workshops with the local community. The results of which informed the final artworks which took the form of a digitally printed textile piece and wallpaper installation.

Documentation by Malcolm Cochraine

Unruly Methods (2019)
Kinning Park Complex, Glasgow

Collaborative project with Poppy Nash, commissioned by Stellar Quines Theatre Company to investigate womens activist clothing.

Documentation by Beth Chalmers

Say What I am Called (2018)
Caledonia Road Church, Glasgow International, Glasgow

A collaborative project with George Ridgway, Bryony Rose, Frank Polatch, Lewis Prosser, Megan Jone, Lizzie Watts and Jessie Whiteley.

This project emerged from conversations from regular seminars which supported both individual and group development. The resulting outdoor exhibition drew on the paradoxical logic of medieval riddles, bringing together independent contributions like my screenprinted banners and co-created sculptures that functioned as watering systems, ramps and pathways.

Documentation by Yvonne Zhang

Bart Waltz Collective
2015 - 2019

Bart Waltz collective was a group of artists and musicians that staged performances and participatory events.

Frequent contributors included George Ridgway, Bryony Rose, Elinor Stanley, Michael Sacco, Max Syed-Tollan, David Stobbart, Lizzie Watts and Jessie Whiteley.